Administration and Support Division

Director: Traci Scullawl
Traci Scullawl
First Deputy
Director of Administration & Support

The Administration and Support Division consists of five individuals who act as secretaries to the Board of County Commissioners, Budget Board, Tax Roll Correction Board, Excise Board, Board of Equalization, Industrial Authority and Retirement Board. This division also assists with the tasks related to the operation of the office including, but not limited to, office policy and procedure, employment, and human resource issues.


Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)

One County Commissioner is elected from each of three districts within the County which by law are approximately equal in population. County Commissioners serve on the Board of County Commissioners and are the principal administrators of the County. The BOCC meets every Monday at 9:30 a.m., in Room 132 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma. If Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be the following Tuesday at 8:30 a.m.. Their duties include the following:

  • Selling or purchasing public land or buildings for the county
  • Calling county elections for various purposes
  • Approving the purchase of operating supplies, equipment, and services contracted for the county
  • Receiving and approving bids for major purchases or construction projects
  • Developing personnel policies
  • Supervising construction and maintenance of county roads
  • Authorizing and maintaining an inventory of all county property, owned or leased, that is valued at more than $500
  • Preparing the county budget in conjunction with other county officers
  • Auditing the accounts of other county officers

Board Members:
Chairman: Commissioner Lonnie Sims – District #2
Stan Sallee – Commissioner – District #1
Kelly Dunkerley - Commissioner District #3

Secretary to BOCC - Georgeann Hiebert

If you would like to be added to the BOCC agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretary of the BOCC.

Tulsa County Budget Board (TCBB)

The Budget Board is comprised of eight elected county officials (three County Commissioners, County Clerk, Assessor, County Treasurer, Sheriff and Court Clerk). The Budget Board reviews the annual Estimate of Needs of each county officer, revises these estimates if advisable, proposes a budget, conducts public hearings, and adopts a budget. The Budget Board also authorizes transfers of certain funds from one county budget account to another and may make supplemental appropriations to the budget. The Budget Board meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 2:00 p.m., in Room 132 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Board Members:
Chairman: Commissioner Lonnie Sims – District #2
Vice-Chairman: Court Clerk Don Newberry
Secretary – County Clerk Michael Willis
Stan Sallee - Commissioner District #1
Kelly Dunkerley - Commissioner District #3
John Wright - Tulsa County Assessor
Vic Regalado - Tulsa County Sheriff
John Fothergill - Tulsa County Treasurer

Secretary to Budget Board - Georgeann Hiebert

If you would like to be added to the Budget Board agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretary of the Budget Board.

Tulsa County Board of Equalization (TCBEQ)

The County Board of Equalization is comprised of three members, appointed in the following manner:

  • One member appointed by the Oklahoma Tax Commission
  • One member appointed by the Board of County Commissioners
  • One member appointed by the District Judge(s)

The tenure of the County Board of Equalization must be coterminous with that of the first and third County Commissioners' districts. Not more than one member can live in one County Commissioner's district. The County Board of Equalization meets according to their schedule from January through May at 1:30 p.m. in Room 132 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The County Board of Equalization's primary duty is equalization. Each year, by the 4th Monday in January, they convene to equalize that year's assessment roll to ensure the following items:

  • That all non-agricultural real property is appraised at its fair cash value according to its use
  • That all agricultural real property is valued at its use value
  • That all personal property is listed at its fair cash value

Board Members:
Ruth B. Harrison - Chairman
Terrance Gilliland – Vice Chairman
David Scott - Member

Secretaries to Board of Equalization:
Stephanie Garcia
Mindy Adams

If you would like to be added to the Board of Equalization agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretaries of the Board of Equalization.

Employees’ Retirement System of Tulsa County

The Tulsa County Retirement Board of Trustees is comprised of nine members designated as follows: the County Treasurer, the County Clerk, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, three members elected by County employees, a retiree elected by County employees, and two members appointed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. A new Chairman is elected at the first Board meeting after June 30, each year. The County Clerk is Secretary and a voting member of the Retirement Board. The Board serves as the governing body over Tulsa County's retirement system. The Board is responsible for establishing rules for the administration of the retirement system. In addition, the Board may address questions regarding the administration of the retirement system and make determinations regarding the application of system rules and policies. The Retirement Board meets the last Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m., in Room 131 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Board Members:
John Baker - Chairman; Retiree Representative
Toni Kizer – Vice-Chairwoman
Melissa Lord, CFP, AIF
Lonnie Sims - BOCC Representative
John Fothergill - Tulsa County Treasurer
Michael Willis - Tulsa County Clerk
Alan Vanderburg - Employee Representative
Aaron Wiedman - Employee Representative
Kris Koepsel – Attorney

Secretary to Retirement Board - Traci Scullawl
c/o Tulsa County Clerk
218 W. 6th St.
7th Fl.
Tulsa, OK 74119

If you would like to be added to the Retirement System agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretary of the Retirement Board.

Tulsa County Excise Board (TCEXB)

The County Excise Board is comprised of the members of the County Board of Equalization. The County Clerk serves as the non-voting Secretary to the Board. The Excise Board oversees and reviews all county, school district, and city budgets to determine if they are legally and adequately funded with the revenues available. Specifically, the Board reviews and approves the County budget, fixes the annual tax levy and millage rates, and gives public notice that the budget and tax levies are open to public discussion.

By statute, the Excise Board is to meet at the County seat on or before the first Monday in July each year to organize and elect a chairman and vice-chairman for that fiscal year. In addition to meeting to approve the budget and tax rates, the Excise Board meets as required during the year to review and approve other mid-year budget-related actions, such as supplemental appropriations. The Excise Board Meets on an on call basis in Room 132 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Board Members:
David Scott – Chairman
Terrance Gilliland – Vice-Chairman
Ruth B. Harrison – Member

Secretaries to Excise Board:
Stephanie Garcia
Mindy Adams

If you would like to be added to the Excise Board agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretaries of the Excise Board.

Tulsa County Industrial Authority (TCIA)

The Tulsa County Industrial Authority (TCIA) is a public trust established under the provisions of the Oklahoma Trust Act on March 1, 1965. It was created to promote the development of industry within the boundaries of Tulsa County. The three Tulsa County Commissioners serve as the trustees of the authority with the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners also serving as Chair of TCIA. The voters of Tulsa County have passed three temporary sales tax initiatives for capital improvements which utilized TCIA for debt service activities. The authority also plays a role in debt financing of other miscellaneous projects in Tulsa County. The Industrial Authority is scheduled to meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m., in Room 315 of the Ray Jordan Tulsa County Administration Building, 500 S. Denver Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

If anyone wishes to see the trust indenture it can be viewed at the Tulsa County Clerk's office.

Board Members:
Lonnie Sims – 2025 Chairman Trustee
Stan Sallee, Trustee
Kelly Dunkerly, Trustee

Secretary to Industrial Authority - Georgeann Hiebert

If you would like to be added to the Industrial Authority agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretary of the Industrial Authority.

Tulsa County Tax Roll Correction (TCTRCB)

Members of the Board of Tax Roll Corrections include the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners (who serves as Tax Roll chairman), the Chairman of the County Board of Equalization, and the County Assessor. The County Clerk serves as Secretary to the Board of Tax Roll Corrections and does not vote on Board actions. The Board is authorized to hear allegations of mistakes or differences regarding any item contained in the tax rolls. The Board may act to correct assessment, exemption, transcribing, tax levy or valuation errors. When the Board determines that an error has been made, the County Clerk issues a Certificate of Error indicating either a tax increase, no taxes due, or a tax decrease. Actions of the Board of Tax Roll Corrections may be appealed by the taxpayer to the District Court. The Tax Roll Correction Board Meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. in Room 132 of the Tulsa County Headquarters Building, 218 W. 6th St., Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Board Members:
Lonnie Sims – Commissioner & 2025 Chairman
Ruth B. Harrison – Vice-Chairman
John Wright - Tulsa County Assessor

Secretaries to Tax Roll Correction:
Stephanie Garcia
Mindy Adams

If you would like to be added to the Tax Roll Correction agenda distribution list, please send your request to Secretaries of the Tax Roll Correction Board.

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